In order to begin doing any editing, you must first login. To login, go to this page:, and click the login button, this will bring you to the cwru SSO portal. Use your case id and password to login. Once you login, you will be able to see a menu on the top left side of the website. The menu may be slightly different for each person depending on the permissions they will have on the site.
In order to add or find content, first look at the top of the page, you will have options to create or find content
When you click add content, you will be brought to this list of different content types, select which type you wish to use and a blank version of that content type will be created and editable.
Help fo each of these pages can be found at Content Types Documentation
When you click find your content you will be brought to this page
here you can search and filter content you have access to, and you can jump to those pages by clicking on them.
To edit any page: Go to the top of the page, and you will have an edit button, that will bring you to the editing interface.