Provided below is documentation on using Drupal 6 intended to help you make the most out of your site. We suggest that you tackle them in the order that they are listed. We have also provided extra guides on features that you may or may not need in managing your Drupal site.
Core Tutorials
1. How to Add Content Using Drupal - A tutorial on logging in and creating pages, as well as adding images and other content to those pages.
2. How to Manage Menus - A tutorial on managing drupal menus, including rearranging menu items and adding external links.
3. How to Use Basic Photoshop Operations - Photoshop is a very useful tool for getting pictures or other images to look how you want them to. This tutorial covers the basic Photoshop tools at your disposal.
4. Adding Blocks to Regions - A tutorial on adding or moving blocks to a region.
Extra Tutorials
Adding Rotor Images - If you have a banner that changes/cycles between images every few seconds, this tutorial will teach you how to add more images for the banner to cycle through. The functionality for the rotor banner must already be added by an administrator to your website.
Adding Images to an Image Gallery - This tutorial covers how to add an image to an image gallery. The functionality for the image gallery must already be added by an administrator to your website.
How to Embed a Youtube Video into Drupal - This tutorial will help with embedding a youtube video into the body of a drupal page.
Handling Secure Pages - This tutorial covers secure (private) pages, the functionality for which must be added by an administrator to your website.
Editing your CSE Profile - This tutorial covers changing your CSE profile including adding a CV.