Title and Short Description:This is the title that will be displayed, as well as the description of the project. In order to access full formatting change the "Text Format" dropdown from "Filtered HTML" to "Full HTML"
Image: Upload an image here to display as the project image.
Contact: Create contacts for people involved in the project, fill in necessary information.
Subsite: The subsite the project will belong to. NOTE: If this is left blank or incorrect the project will NOT show up where it should
Project URL: If there is an external URL for the project, put it here.
URL Path: If generate automatic url alias is checked, the page will automatically create a url based on the title. If you unselect the box you will be able to edit the url. When changing the url remember that the part you put in this field comes after ....case.edu/, so this page would be at the url ....case.edu/demonstration