In the news articles are used if you wish to cite any outside news article. For example, if the NYTimes posted a news article about something you wish to display. To create an In The News Article, look towards the following steps:
Once you have logged in to the engineering website, go to the left hand corner button that says “Add Content” as shown below:
![Add Content](
On the list of items go to the one that says “In The News Article” and click on it
![After Add Content](
Adding Title and Publisher
From there you are going to start inputting your content. You will add the name of the “news” in the following area, this title is mandatory in order to create your “In The News Article”
![After Add Content](
This title should give a general idea of what the article is about, for example the following is a title for an article written about Case Western Reserve as one of the nation’s best colleges:
NOTE: The link that you are creating for your In The News Article is a mix between your Title and the Publisher. For the following example showen below, "Fox8" was under publisher name and "CWRU named among nation's best colleges" was under the title section. These are two separate secitons. You may choose to not input a publisher and just have a title.
![After Add Content](
After you have added a title, there is an option to add the name of the publisher where the article is from, this is not required. The publisher may be added under the following area:
NOTE: Remember that if you choose to add a publisher it will go before the title as "Fox8" shows up in the example above.
![After Add Content](
Following the publisher name there is an area to add the teaser, because this “In The News Article” acts as a link, the teaser can be your title again. It is still just a short description of what the article that you are linking is about.
![After Add Content](
The Teaser is the same as the title
Adding the External Link
Next you will be adding the link/url to the article that you are referring to. The link/url can be copy and then pasted onto the following area:
![After Add Content](
You must add the link/url in that area in order for the In The News Article to work. After having added the link/url, you will be adding your subsite.
Adding Subsites
To add your subsite click on the “Metadata” button on the navigation bar on the left. This can be found in the following area:
![After Add Content](
Then, add your subsite in the provided space.
![After Add Content](
Adding Associate Faculty or Staff
You will now have the option to add faculty who may be associated with the article or news. This will link the article to the associated faculty's profile. This section is not required. To add Associated Faculty and Staff go to the section that reads “Associated Faculty or Staff” and add the faculty is you want to be associated with the article.
NOTE: Please ignore the "Show on Homepage" box (shown below). As content editors you don't have to worry about this.
After adding your Associated Faculty and Staff there is a section for Research Thursts (picture below) however, this section is not being used. Please ignore this section.
NOTE: after the "Research Thrusts" section there is another section for "Sidebar Content". Please ignore this section. Because In The News Article is not a page and is only a link to an article from another website, sidebar content is not used here. Images are also not used. Please ignore this section if you are making an In The News Article.
Publishing your In The News Article
You are now ready to publish your "In The News Article". To publish the article go to the publishing section on the page and make sure that the publishing button is selected as follows and click the save button: