CWRU maintains a variety of Core Facilities for the manufacturing/synthesis, and characterization of material and device performance. Below are some that might be of interest to SCSAM Users.
Material/Device Synthesis
The Micro-Fabrication Lab (EECS)
Electronics Design Center (ECHE)
The Materials for Opto-Electronic Research and Education Center (PHYS)
Nitinol Commercialization Accelerator Lab (EMSE)
Advanced Manufacturing and Mechanical Reliability Center (EMSE)
Engineering Services Fabrication Center-campus machine shop (EMAE)
Material/Device Performance
The Materials for Opto-Electronic Research and Education Center (PHYS)
Advanced Manufacturing and Mechanical Reliability Center (EMSE)
Cryo-TEM Facility (School of Medicine)
Solar Durability and Lifetime Extension Center (EMSE)
Center for Applied Raman Spectroscopy (EMAE)
A full list of CWRU cores can be found at this link