Materials Data Science

Our research strengths in looking at the temporal aspects of lifetime data offer a unique perspective that can be used for everything from materials discovery to lifetime performance. Data analysis can be combined with microstructure characterization to understand how either initial processing or evolution during performance results in material properties. Incorporating data science can advance alloy development—by looking at 30 years of data with steel alloys, for example, we can model what type of alloy will best meet a specific set of needs. Through data, we can follow the degradation pathways of polymers in packaging, as well as conduct time-series analyses of power plant performance with regard to energy efficiency.

In the realm of machine learning, we’re applying AI to imagery to better assess everything from the characterization of surfaces to the makeup of super alloys to failure mechanisms. At this interface of statistics, big data and materials science, we analyze, evaluate and enhance materials in smart and strategic ways to fully realize the capabilities of materials systems.

Institutes, centers and labs related to Materials Data Science

SDLE Research Center

Studies solar photovoltaic and other outdoor exposed technologies using degradation science, data science and analytics.

Mesoscale Science Lab

Creates experimental techniques to develop a physical understanding of processing-structure-property relationships of crystalline and amorphous materials

Faculty who conduct research in Materials Data Science

Laura Bruckman

Associate Professor, Materials Science and Engineering
Develops predictive lifetime models for materials degradation related to stress conditions and induced degradation mechanisms evaluated by quantitative spectroscopic characterization of materials

Jennifer Carter

Associate Professor, Materials Science and Engineering
deformation mechanisms of metals and metal-matrix composites; fatigue, fracture, and creep; failure analysis; electron microscopy; 3D microscopy; novel methodologies for multi-scale material characterization; data science and analytics; open science

Mark De Guire

Associate Professor Emeritus, Materials Science and Engineering
Analyzes performance of ceramics in energy applications, including fuel cells and oxygen transport membranes

Frank Ernst

Professor, Materials Science and Engineering
Studies and engineers microstructures, interfaces and surfaces of metallic materials by novel methods of processing and microcharacterization

Roger French

Professor, Materials Science and Engineering
Director, SDLE Research Center
Applies data science and analytics to energy and materials science research problems

David Matthiesen

Associate Professor Emeritus, Materials Science and Engineering
Director, Wind Energy Research and Commercialization (WERC) Center
Develops process engineering solutions for the manufacturing of new magnetic materials

Alp Sehirlioglu

Department Chair, Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Professor, Materials Science and Engineering
Develops new materials through exploitation of interfaces to control functionality and exploration of multi-functionality for energy-related applications

Gerhard Welsch

Professor, Materials Science and Engineering
Develops new processing methods and designs for energy storage and optimized materials

Matthew Willard

Professor, Materials Science and Engineering
Investigates phase transformations and materials processing, especially their impact on structure and properties of materials