Frank Ernst
Studies and engineers microstructures, interfaces and surfaces of metallic materials by novel methods of processing and microcharacterization
Laura Bruckman
Develops predictive lifetime models for materials degradation related to stress conditions and induced degradation mechanisms evaluated by quantitative spectroscopic characterization of materials
Jennifer Carter
deformation mechanisms of metals and metal-matrix composites; fatigue, fracture, and creep; failure analysis; electron microscopy; 3D microscopy; novel methodologies for multi-scale material characterization; data science and analytics; open science
Roger French
Applies data science and analytics to energy and materials science research problems
John Lewandowski
Researches material reliability for biomedical and structural applications, advanced materials manufacturing and processing/microstructure/property relationships. Hybrid Autonomous Manufacturing.
Jim McGuffin-Cawley
Develops new methodologies for material processing, characterizes processing-property relationships, studies high-temperature diffusion and solid-state reactions, fosters industry-university relationships
Alp Sehirlioglu
Develops new materials through exploitation of interfaces to control functionality and exploration of multi-functionality for energy-related applications
Gerhard Welsch
Develops new processing methods and designs for energy storage and optimized materials
Matthew Willard
Investigates phase transformations and materials processing, especially their impact on structure and properties of materials
Research Faculty
Hoda Amani Hamedani
Develops multifunctional materials and flexible nanostructured platforms for electrochemical and biomedical devices, localized drug delivery, neural interfacing, and electrochemical sensing; studies nanomaterials evolution/interactions in controlled (liquid) environments using in-situ characterization techniques
Erika Barcelos
Develops geospatial predictive models and geospatial data science tools to study climate and environmental related phenomena and their impacts in nature. Develop data management and data integration frameworks for data and metadata to enable FAIRification.
Janet Gbur
Pawan Tripathi
Develop data analysis techniques, tools, and pipelines for high dimensional datasets in materials science such as synchrotron XRD, XCT, and advanced manufacturing to reveal insights, and correlations and improve predictive modeling leveraging deep learning, artificial intelligence, and statistical methods. Materials Data Science, Advanced Manufacturing, Synchrotron Data Analysis, Image Processing, Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Uncertainty Quantification, Atomistic Simulation
Jeffrey Yarus
Emeritus Faculty
Bud Baeslack III
Researching materials science and engineering
Mark De Guire
Analyzes performance of ceramics in energy applications, including fuel cells and oxygen transport membranes
Arthur Heuer
Peter Lagerlof
Develops a unified theory for plastic deformation via slip and deformation twinning
David Matthiesen
Develops process engineering solutions for the manufacturing of new magnetic materials
Pirouz Pirouz
Optimizes semiconductors, electron microscopy, mechanisms of twinning and metal-ceramic interfaces
Associated Faculty
Jeffrey Hoyt, McMaster University
Ina Martin, Case Western Reserve University MORE Center
Badri K. Narayanan, Lincoln Electric, Vice President, Global Consumables
Rudolf Podgornik, Josef Stefan Institute, Slovenia
Jeffrey Yarus, Adjunct Professor
Research Staff
Hoda Amani Hamedani, Research Assistant Professor
Janet Gbur, Research Assistant Professor
Administrative Staff
Jennifer Aquino-Pyles
Provides procurement services for the departments of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering; Macromolecular Science & Engineering; and Materials Science & Engineering
Kathleen Bates
Manages administrative support for the academic and research operations for the departments of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Macromolecular Science and Engineering, and Materials Science and Engineering.
Theresa Claytor
Tiffany Hampton
Procurement Specialist, provides procurement services for the departments of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, Macromolecular Science & Engineering, and Materials Science & Engineering
Leslie Johnson
Assists the manager, academic coordinators and research administration teams for the departments of Chemical and Biomolecular and Engineering, Macromolecular Science and Engineering, and Materials Science and Engineering
MacKenzie Kreutzberg
Develops, implements and manages procedures for the administration and operation of the Office of the Chair for the Department of Materials Science & Engineering
Richard Tomazin
Provides engineering support for the Materials Science & Engineering Department, Advanced Manufacturing and Mechanical Reliability Center, AMMRC, and the Solar Durability and Lifetime Extension Center, SDLE.