This section organizes a summary of funding opportunities that Great Lakes Energy Institute would like to share with our campus community. Funding opportunities that are recently released can be found in New Funding. Funding opportunities that are still accepting applications but have not been released recently can be found here.
Contact Grant Goodrich ( with any questions.
Energy, Power, Control, and Network
Submission Deadline: Open
Organization: NSF
The Energy, Power, Control, and Networks (EPCN) Program supports innovative research in modeling, optimization, learning, adaptation, and control of networked multi-agent systems, higher-level decision making, and dynamic resource allocation, as well as risk management in the presence of uncertainty, sub-system failures, and stochastic disturbances. EPCN also invests in novel machine learning algorithms and analysis, adaptive dynamic programming, brain-like networked architectures performing real-time learning, and neuromorphic engineering. EPCN’s goal is to encourage research on emerging technologies and applications including energy, transportation, robotics, and biomedical devices & systems. EPCN also emphasizes electric power systems, including generation, transmission, storage, and integration of renewable energy sources into the grid; power electronics and drives; battery management systems; hybrid and electric vehicles; and understanding of the interplay of power systems with associated regulatory & economic structures and with consumer behavior.
Dear Colleague Letter: Research on Integrated Photonics Utilizing AIM Photonics Capabilities
Submission deadline: Open
Organization: NSF
With this Dear Colleague letter (DCL), the Division of Electrical, Communications and Cyber Systems (ECCS) and the Division of Industrial Innovation and Partnerships (IIP) within the Engineering Directorate of the National Science Foundation continue to encourage innovative exploratory and translational research by academic researchers and small businesses in all aspects of integrated photonics that utilize the current silicon photonics capabilities resident in AIM Photonics.
Dear Colleague Letter: Secure and Trustworthy Cyberspace
Submission deadline: Open
Organization: NSF
Making cyberspace secure and trustworthy is a critical challenge confronting society. The fragility and vulnerability of cyberspace have exposed societies and individuals to untold risks with severe consequences. Achieving a more secure cyberspace demands overcoming major scientific challenges, and realizing privacy and trust in cyberspace requires reconciling technology with human and societal needs. New advances in technology for cyberspace, changes in society, and adoption in new domains will also necessitate a rethinking of the interplay between security, privacy, and trust in cyberspace. The multi-disciplinary SaTC program seeks fundamentally new, principled approaches to protect and defend cyberspace against harmful actions by determined adversaries, and to assess their effectiveness. The SaTC program also seeks to explore innovative approaches for growing a capable, next-generation cyber workforce, and for accelerating the transition of successful cybersecurity research into practice and useful products and services.
Engineering Design and Systems Engineering (EDSE)
Submission deadline: Open
Organization: NSF
The Engineering Design and Systems Engineering (EDSE) program supports fundamental research into the basic processes and phenomena of engineering design and systems engineering. The program seeks proposals leading to improved understanding about how processes, organizational structure, social interactions, strategic decision making, and other factors impact success in the planning and execution of engineering design and systems engineering projects. It also supports advances pertaining to engineering design and systems engineering in areas that include, but are not limited to, decision making under uncertainty, including preference and demand modeling; problem decomposition and decision delegation; applications of reverse game theory (mechanism design); computer-aided design; design representation; system performance modeling and prediction; design optimization; uncertainty quantification; domain- or concern-specific design methods; and advanced computational techniques for supporting effective human cognition, decision making, and collaboration. Competitive proposals for novel methods will include a plan to evaluate rigorously the effectiveness and performance of the proposed approach.
Advanced Manufacturing
Submission deadline: Open
Organization: NSF
The Advanced Manufacturing (AM) program supports the fundamental research needed to revitalize American manufacturing to grow the national prosperity and workforce, and to reshape our strategic industries. The AM program accelerates advances in manufacturing technologies with emphasis on multidisciplinary research that fundamentally alters and transforms manufacturing capabilities, methods and practices. Advanced manufacturing research proposals should address issues related to national prosperity and security, and advancing knowledge to sustain global leadership.
Areas of research, for example, include manufacturing systems; materials processing; manufacturing machines; methodologies; and manufacturing across the length scales.
Researchers working in the areas of cybermanufacturing systems, manufacturing machines and equipment, materials engineering and processing, and nanomanufacturing are encouraged to transcend and cross domain boundaries. Interdisciplinary, convergent proposals are welcome that bring manufacturing to new application areas, and that incorporate challenges and approaches outside the customary manufacturing portfolio to broaden the impact of America’s advanced manufacturing research. Proposals of all sizes will therefore be considered as justified by the project description.
Faculty Research Program
Submission deadline: Open
Organization: DoE
The Faculty Research Program is an opportunity for faculty to collaborate with NETL principal investigators on work of interest to the NETL and participating state-of-the-art NETL facilities.Benefits include a monthly stipend, insurance, inbound/outbound travel, and resources to encourage attendance at conferences, workshops, and other professional development activities.
Research and development areas of interest include:
- Carbon Management
- Combustion Science
- Fuel Cell Research
- Process Development
- Remote Sensing
- Sensors and Controls
Unsolicited Proposals
Submission deadline: Open
Organization: DoE
The Department of Energy (DOE) encourages organizations and individuals to submit unsolicited proposals that are relevant to the DOE's research and development mission. Proposals must demonstrate support of an idea, method, or approach submitted by the proposer's initiative rather than in response to a solicitation. Additionally, they must demonstrate a unique and innovative concept or capability not currently available to the Federal government and does not resemble a project of a recent, current, or pending solicitation.
Cyberinfrastructure for Emerging Science and Engineering Research (CESER)
Submission deadline: Open
Organization: NSF
The Cyberinfrastructure for Emerging Science and Engineering Research (CESER) program aims to help develop innovative cyberinfrastructure (CI) technologies and new applications of current CI resources to foster emerging areas of potentially transformative science and engineering research. The program will support early-stage efforts to identify and address cyberinfrastructure needs in new research areas with the development and implementation of experimental and innovative hardware and software systems to enable discovery. Additionally, the program encourages systematic and multidisciplinary CI approaches to address new opportunities to enable science and engineering research with disciplines such as computing, data infrastructure, software, workflow systems, and networking.
Re-entry to Active Research Program (RARE)
Submission deadline: Open
Organization: NSF
The main objective of the RARE program is to catalyze progress along the academic tenure-track of individuals who are returning from a hiatus from active research. The RARE program will reinvest in highly trained scientists and engineers by providing re-entry points and encouraging participation and increasing diversity of experience.
There are two tracks within the program. Track 1 reengages researchers in a competitive funding opportunity with accommodations for a gap in record due to the research hiatus. Track 2 retrains investigators in new or updated techniques in order to return to competitive research activity.
Energy and Environment
Submission deadline: Open
Organization: Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation's Energy and Environment program aims to learn more about novel research areas and advance understanding about the effects of new energy technologies on the quality of life. Research questions of interest include energy sources, transmission and distribution, energy use, new energy technologies, the economics of energy transmission and distribution, big data, energy efficiency, and transportation. Grant seekers can submit a letter of inquiry for a relevant program to the appropriate program director and when reviewed, may be invited to submit a formal grant proposal.
Dear Colleague Letter: Supporting Fundamental Research in the Quantitative Representation of Microstructures (QRM)
Submission deadline: Open
Organization: NSF
The Division of Civil, Mechanical and Manufacturing Innovation of the Engineering Directorate of the National Science Foundation is looking for research proposals for multidisciplinary teams to transform the fundamental understanding of structural materials through the Quantitative Representation of Microstructures (QRM). The current tools for simulation and prediction of materials behavior are strongly dependent on the input microstructures. In order to increase their accuracy and precision, this call for proposals aims to address fundamental questions related to Materials microstructure, properties, and performance through development tools for the QRM.
Open Innovation Fund
Submission deadline: Open
Organization: North Carolina State University
The OIF provides funding to demonstrate the benefits of SiC and GaN technologies. This opportunity aims to target key time-sensitive gaps in the Institute's portfolio that are too urgent to be postponed and address technology barriers not current addressed by other projects. The OIF offers an opportunity to propose innovative projects to make WBG semiconductor technologies cost competitive and accelerate the adoption of SiC and GaN based components.
Army Research Office BAA for Fundamental Research
Proposal Due: 3/31/22
Organization: DoD
This BAA includes ARO research areas of interest. ARO's research interest consists of the following scientific divisions:
- Physical Sciences
- Chemical Sciences
- Physics
- Life Sciences
- Engineering Sciences
- Mechanical Sciences
- Electronics
- Materials Science
- Earth Sciences
- Network Science
Army Research Laboratory Broad Agency Announcement for Basic and Applied Scientific Research
Proposal Due: 3/31/22
Organization: DoD
The U.S. Army Research Laboratory (ARL) is looking to support fundamental research for the discovery, technological innovation, and transition of knowledge products. This opportunity is particularly interested in a variety of select areas, including computation and information sciences, sensors and electron devices, vehicle and technologies, and is placing emphasis on collaborative research.
Topic areas of interest include:
- Tactical High Performance Computing (HPC)
- Real-Time, Scalable Data Analytics for the Army
- Computational Modeling of Complex Systems
- Supercomputing Technologies
- Materials for Soldier and Platform Power Systems
- Energy Efficient Electronics and Photonics
- Energy Coupled to Matter (ECM) for Responsive Materials
Diverse Collegiate Research and Development Collaboration Program
Proposal Due: 12/21/21
Organization: DoD
The goal of the AFRL Diverse Collegiate R&D Collaboration Program is to promote collaborative research partnerships between AFRL, academia, industry, in areas such as high speed systems, turbine engines, and aerospace vehicles. These technical areas are integral in developing war-fighting technologies for the nation's air, space and cyberspace forces, and commercial derivatives.
Battery Network for Manufacturing Technology Research and Development (BATTNET II) BAA
Proposal Due: 8/21/21
Organization: DoD
DLA seeks to develop logistics solutions in order to improve the industrial capability to deliver batteries to the warfighter in a ready-to-use state with better shelf life, better safety, better performance, and lower cost. Areas of interest include:
- Manufacturing and Automation Innovations
- Optimization of Design for Manufacturability
- Process Improvements
- Advancement of Manufacturing Readiness for Alternative Supplies
- Manufacturing Technology Improvement for Existing Supplies
- Battery Standardization
- Supply Chain Management Improvement
Postdoctoral Opportunities
Proposal Due: Open
Organization: DoE
RPP Postdoctoral Researcher appointments are typically one year. Extensions may be granted based on program needs and funding availability, up to a maximum of three years. Appointments are viewed as preparation for a full-time academic and/or research career. Appointees work under the supervision of a senior scholar or a department and are expected to publish research results during the period of the appointment.
Submission Requirements
Resume with list of publications and a cover letter stating areas of interest
Resumes accepted all year for possible placement and for specific open positions only.