ThinkEnergy Student Team Wins $25,000 in Pitch Competition

Congratulations to the STARS ThinkEnergy Fellows team for winning the $25,000 Grand Prize at the Clean Energy Trust Demo Day pitch competition that was held on September 17, 2020! Rohan Sinha made the pitch on behalf of the entire team that also includes Ran Wei, Bridget Powers Beggs, Aparna Paul, and Emmett Donnelley-Power. Their product harvests energy from vibration to power wireless sensors and transmit data used to monitor industrial equipment. STARS was one of five student teams competing from around the mid-west. Environflo, another ThinkEnergy team, gave them a run for the money by having Oluka Okia pitch their oil/water separation technology for oil-spill clean-up. The other Evironflow team members continuing on the project include Italo Silva and Krista Schoonover. Congratulations to both ThinkEnergy teams!