Hassibi, K., Loparo, K. A., & Merat, F. L.(1987).A Multi-sensor Robotic System for Object Recognition and Manipulation.Case Western Reserve University, Center for Automation and Intelligent Systems Research.
Casiello, F., & Loparo, K. A.(1987).Comments on" Exact control of linear systems with multiple controls".Automatic Control, IEEE Transactions on,32(11),1020–1021.
Hassibi, K., Loparo, K. A., & Merat, F. L.(1987).A software and hardware structure for object recognition and manipulation using multiple sensors.Case Western Reserve University, Center for Automation and Intelligent Systems Research.
Hafez, W., Loparo, K. A., Hashish, H. A., & Rasmy, E. A.(1987).SENSITIVITY-CONSTRAINED CONTROLLER DESIGN FOR MULT I-PARAMETER SYSTEMS.Proceedings of the IASTED International Symposium Applied Control and Identification: Los Angeles, California, USA, December 10-12, 1986.
Eckert, S., Loparo, K. A., & Roth, Z. A.(1986).An application of nonlinear filtering to instrument failure detection in a pressurized water reactor.Nucl. Technol.;(United States),74(2).
Loparo, K. A., Aslanis, J. A., & Hajek, O. A.(1986).Analysis of Switched Linear Systems in the Plane, Part 11 Global Behavior of Trajectories, Controllability and Attainability.Case Western Reserve University, Center for Automation and Intelligent Systems Research.
Loparo, K. A., Roth, Z. A., & Eckert, S. A.(1986).Nonlinear filtering for systems with random structure.Automatic Control, IEEE Transactions on,31(11),1064–1068.
Loparo, K. A., & Blankenship, G. A.(1985).A probabilistic mechanism for small disturbance instabilities in electric power systems.Circuits and Systems, IEEE Transactions on,32(2),177–184.
Loparo, K. A., & Kuo, G. A.(1985).On the realization of input-decentralized representations for large-scale systems.Automatic Control, IEEE Transactions on,30(9),909–912.
Shen, J., Loparo, K. A., & Thomas, C. A.(1985).An active touch processing system.Case Western Reserve University, Center for Automation and Intelligent Systems Research.
Roth, Z., & Loparo, K. A.(1984).Optimal filter realization for a class of nonlinear systems with finite-dimensional estimation algebra.Systems & control letters,4(1),23–26.
Garzia, M., Loparo, K. A., & Martin, C. A.(1984).ON THE OECOUPLING OF SOLUTIONS FOR THE RICCATI 0IFFERENTIAL EQUATION.Proceedings of the Berkeley-Ames Conference on Nonlinear Problems in Control and Fluid Dynamics,2, 135.
Khadr, A., & Loparo, K. A.(1984).VARIABLE STRUCTURE STOCHASTIC SYSTEMS, CONSERVATION LAWS, AN0 THE METHOO OF CHARACTERISTICS.Proceedings of the Berkeley-Ames Conference on Nonlinear Problems in Control and Fluid Dynamics,2, 315.