Contact Information

Our department has many opportunities for students, including student organizations, research facilities and research groups.




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Undergraduate Studies

Mark De Guire

Professor De Guire is the head of our department’s undergraduate studies committee.

Graduate Studies

David Matthiesen

Professor Matthiesen is the head of our department’s graduate studies committee.

Undergraduate Materials Society


Undergraduate Materials Society is an academic and social organization for students with an interest in materials science.  UMS is the CWRU chapter for Material Advantage, an umbrella student organization for ASM International, the American Ceramic Society, TMS, and AIST.

Graduate Materials Society

Kim Gliebe, President

Graduate Materials Society is an academic and social organization for materials graduate students.  Our Materials & Research Society chapter is run out of GMS.

Swagelok Center for Surface Analysis of Materials (SCSAM)

Jeffrey Pigott

SCSAM has some of the most advanced microcharacterization instruments in the world for advanced materials characterization and research.

SDLE Research Center

Roger French

Long lasting solutions are developed by combining materials data analytics with lifetime degradation science at the SDLE Research Center.

Foundry/ Case Metal Processing Laboratory

Matthew Willard 

Our department boasts one of the few production-sized academic foundries in the United States.

Advanced Manufacturing and Mechanical Reliability Center

John Lewandowski 

AMMRC provides advanced manufacturing (i.e. deformation processing, extrusion, forming) and mechanical characterization (i.e. mechanical testing, reliability testing, fatigue, etc.) expertise to CWRU and the scientific community as a whole.

Mesoscale Science Lab

Jennifer Carter

The mesoscale science lab focuses on developing and implementing mesoscale material quantification methods.

MORE Center

Ina Martin

Our collaboration with the MORE Center gives students access to equipment for fabrication and characterization of materials.

Electro-ceramics Group

Alp Sehirlioglu

The electro-ceramics research group focuses on processing-structure-property relationships in electronic ceramics.


Individual faculty members’ contact information can be accessed here.