Group Members

Assistant Professor, Jennifer Carter

Ph.D. The Ohio State University               2012
M.S. The University of California, Davis    2008
B.S. The University of California, Davis     2006

Graduate Students


Ph.D. Candidate, Materials Science and Engineering (started Summer 2022)
B.S. Materials Science and Engineering, University of Michigan (2020)
Research: Manufacturing of high thermal conductivity ceramics for microfluidic heat exchangers
Funding: Office of Naval Research
Ph.D. Candidate, Materials Science and Engineering (started Fall 2017)
M.S. Geology, Miami University (2012)
B.S. Geological Engineering, Michigan Technology University (2010)
Research: Additive Manufacturing of Oxide-Dispersion Strengthened NiCoCr 
Funding: NASA Fellowship
M.S. Candidate, Macromolecular Science and Engineering (started Fall 2021)
B.S. Materials Engineering, Polymers (2018)
Research: Study of the degradation of PMMA as it impacts the ability to restore art.  
Funding: Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Institution
M.S. Candidate Materials Science and Engineering (started 2020)
B.S. Materials Science and Engineering, CWRU (2020)
Research: Application of ML modeling for classification of phases from transmission electron microscopy diffraction patterns
Funding: NSF


B.S. Materials Science and Engineering (started January 2021)
Minor: Applied Data Science
Research: Translation of thin-film manufacturing processes to the processing of tape-cast ceramics.
Funding: Office of Naval Research
Co-Advised with Thiago Porto
B.S. Mechanical Engineering (started January 2019)
Minor: Applied Data Science
Research: degradation of dental ceramics under in-operando conditions as measured using high-throughput indentation experiments.
Funding: NSF

Alumni-Graduate Students

Nishan Senanayake

PhD candidate, Materials Science and Engineering (started Fall 2016)
M.S. Physics, Bowling Green State University (2016) 
B.S. Software Engineering, Sheffield Hallam University (2010)
Research: Data-analytics approach to quantifying the correlation between the microstructural metrics of nickel-based superalloy.
Funding: NSF
PhD candidate, Materials Science and Engineering (2019)
M.S. Materials Science and Engineering, CWRU (2016) 
B.S. Metallurgical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi (2011)
Research: Data-analytics approach to quantifying the correlation between the microstructural metrics and alloy performance.
Funding: M.S. Supported by Alcoa, and the Army Research Office. Ph.D. funded by NETL
M.S. Materials Science and Engineering (2018)
B.S. Materials Science and Engineering (2017)
Current Employer: Saint Gobain Corp
Research: Understanding the Interaction between Grain Boundaries and Precipitates in Ni-Al using Molecular Dynamics
M.S. Materials Science and Engineering 2014
B.S. Mechanical Engineering, Worcester Polytechnic Institute 2012
Current Employer: Welding Manufacturing Engineer, GE Measurement & Control
Research: Mechanical behavior of in situ composites bulk metallic glasses as a function of temperature and strain rate.  
Funding: Defense Threat Reduction Agency and Case Western Reserve University
Co-Advised with Jim McGuffin-Cawley
M.S. Materials Science and Engineering (2017)
B.S. Materials Science and Engineering, CWRU (2016)
Research: Study of the lifetime and degradation mechanisms of polymer-based sheet metal forming tools for short run/prototyping applications. Particularly, can we utilize the advantages of additive manufacturing techniques to create cost-effective short-run tools.
Funding: America Makes
Co-Advised with Clare Rimnac 
M.S. candidate Materials Science and Engineering (2020)
B.S. Materials Science and Engineering, UIUC (2016)
Research: Effect of radiation on the fatigue performance of cortical bone.
Funding: Case Western Reserve University