Fatigue Ductility Flex Tester

Strain controlled cyclic fatigue of small diameter (e.g. 10 micrometer) wires, thin (e.g. 25 – 250 micrometer thick) sheets, and foils is possible with the use of two separate Flex Testing Machines. The flex testers are equipped with mandrels ranging in diameter from 0.55 mm up to in excess of 19 mm, enabling a range of cyclic strains to be tested by simple cyclic flexing of the thin sample (i.e. wire, sheet, foil) over a mandrel of given diameter. Both low cycle fatigue and high cycle fatigue tests can be conducted at frequencies up to 5 Hz according to ASTM E796-94.


1. Low and high cycle fatigue behavior of impantable wires and cables with diameters ranging from 50 to 200 micrometers have been studied using flex tester. For more details click the link below:
Low and High Cycle Fatigue Behavior of Implantable Wires and Cables

2. Low cycle fatigue behavior of Cu-15Ni-8Sn alloy used as springs in electrical applicances have been investigated using flex tester. For more details click the link below:
Low Cycle Fatigue Behavior of Cu-15Ni-8Sn Alloy Sheet

3. Low and high cycle fatigue behavior of Iron based amorphous ribbons with thickness of 30 mm and 20 mm width have been studied using flex tester. For more details click the link below:
Fracture and Fatigue of Fe based Amorphous Metallic Glass Ribbon