Nitinol Processing Overview

The Ohio Third Frontier Wright Projects Program has funded a collaborative effort between the Cleveland Clinic, CWRU, University of Toledo, NASA Glenn Research Center, and Norman Noble, Inc. in order to develop a better understanding of the metallurgical processing and mechanical characterization of nitinol for use in biomedical and aerospace applications. Biomedical applications range from orthodontia to implantable devices while higher temperature shape memory alloys are of interest for aerospace. The collaboration is designed to create synergy amongst collaborators in the research and development of nitinol products. CWRU has developed a facility wherein the effects of composition changes on mechanical performance can be determined. The laboratory housed at CWRU’s Materials Science and Engineering Department contains processing and characterization (thermal and mechanical) equipment that allows for the manufacture and analysis of nitinol products. The CWRU campus community can access the facility via the use of a valid CWRU university account number that will be charged at an internal rate for machine time, including set up and any technician time involved. Long term testing can be provided at pro-rated charges in consultation with the Laboratory Director(s). Arrangements can be made to train users on the equipment and reserve time for equipment use. Outside (i.e. non-CWRU) users can access the facility via a number of different mechanisms by contacting the Laboratory Director(s). The brochure for the Nitinol Accelerator Lab can be accessed here.