Ryan Devine Earns Honors at Area Science Fairs
Ryan Devine, a junior at The University School in Chagrin Falls, earned honors at several local science fairs for his work in investigating carbon fiber reinforced composites. His work is under the advisement of Dr. Sandi G. Miller, NASA Glenn Research Center, while mechanical characterization work was performed in the AMMRC with Dr. Janet L. Gbur and Chris Tuma. Ryan’s project, “Creating a Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Matrix Composite (PMC) with Improved Elastic Properties”, earned 3rd place at the Northeast Ohio Science and Engineering Fair and an American Institute of Chemical Engineers Award at Cleveland State University. At the Western Reserve District 5 Science Day at the University of Akron, he received the 3rd Place Polymer Award, a special award from the Office of Naval Research, and advanced to the State Fair. Ryan earned a Superior rating on his project at State Science Day at The Ohio State University. In addition, Ryan was invited to present his work at the Ohio Academy of Science meeting, the American Institute of Chemical Engineers meeting, and had a poster presentation at Research ShowCASE.
Janet Gbur Receives ASTM Award of Appreciation
Janet Gbur was awarded the ASTM Award of Appreciation by the E04 Committee on Metallography in recognition of her outstanding contributions to the E04 Student Presentation Contest as part of the Symposium Commemorating 100 years of E04 Development of Metallographic Standards. E04 Vice Chairman, Margaret Willis of ATI, presented the award during ASTM Committee Week.
Janet is the Second Vice-Chairman for Committee E04 on Metallography and the Vice Chair for the Task Group, E08.05.04 Advanced Materials, within Committee E08 on Fatigue and Fracture.
Janet Gbur Honored During Women’s History Month
Janet Gbur was one of seven accomplished women graduates of Youngstown State University recognized at a luncheon as part of YSU’s annual celebration of Women’s History Month. The “Penguin Women on the Move” event was sponsored by the YSU Office of Alumni Engagement and the YSU Department of Women and Gender Studies at Youngstown State University. “These women have gone above and beyond with their personal, professional, academic and/or philanthropic endeavors,” said Catherine Cala, assistant director of Alumni Engagement. “We are pleased to highlight these alumnae for truly being ‘Y and Proud’”.
Janet Gbur Earns Top Award for Poster on Student Success
Janet Gbur earned Academic Winner honors for her poster, “Incorporating Technical Standards Education into Existing Engineering Materials Course Structure” at the YSU Office of Student Assessment Best Practices in Student Learning Assessment Poster Showcase. The showcase gives both academic and co-curricular units across campus the opportunity to highlight their good work in assessment. A committee of Assessment Council members and Office of Assessment staff review and score the posters, and a professional development prize of $500 is awarded to an academic and to a co-curricular poster each year.
In addition to her role as a Research Associate in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at CWRU, Janet is an adjunct faculty member of the Department of Mechanical, Industrial, and Manufacturing Engineering at YSU and is an active member of ASTM International, a standards developing organization.
Research ShowCASE 2019

Prof. John Lewandowski, Arthur P Armington Professor of Engineering II and Director of the Advanced Manufacturing and Mechanical Reliability Centre (AMMRC) at CWRU has recently received the following new grants and presented the following Keynote/Invited Talks:
Keynote/Invited Talks:
1. Keynote: **”Fracture and Fatigue Issues in Additively Manufactured Materials and Structures”, International Conference on Fatigue Damage of Structural Materials XI, Cape Code, MA, September 18, 2018.
2. Invited: **”Process/Structure/Property Relationships in Metal Additively Manufactured Materials and Structures”, J.J. Lewandowski, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, August 31, 2018.
3. Tutorial: **”Fracture and Fatigue Issues in (Metal) Additive Manufacturing”, J.J. Lewandowski, ASPE Tutorial, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, Berkeley, CA, July 22, 2018.
4. Invited: **”Location- and Orientation-Dependent Properties in Metallic AM Samples and Structures”, J.J. Lewandowski, The 4thInternational Conference on Metallic Materials and Processing, Xi’an, China, June 19, 2018.
5. Keynote: **”Orientation- and Location-Dependent Properties in Metallic AM Samples and Structures”, J.J. Lewandowski, 3rdPRO-AM Conference, Singapore, May 16, 2018.
New Research Grants:
1. America Makes: $438.5K/2 years-PI, Accelerating MAMLS Direct Part Production: Effect of Defects in Laser Powder Bed Fusion AlSi10Mg
2. ONR: $426.5K/3 years-PI, Process-Structure-Property Study on CP-Ti Produced via High Deposition AM Laser-Hot Wire
3. ONR: $450K/3 years-PI, Investigating the Mechanical Behaviour of 5XXX Aluminum Alloy Structures on the HMCS Iroquois/Athabaskan
4. ONR/NAVAIR: $100K/1 year-PI, Microstructure Informatics for Propagating Uncertainty in Material and Processing to Performance Predictions of AM Titanium Parts
5. LIFT: $157.2K/1.3 years-Willard-PI, Lewandowski-co-PI, Friction Stir Welding of Dissimilar, Bi-Metallic, and MMC Components
Janet Gbur Awarded External International Award in Research as Art Competition at Swansea University