Jun Kojima

Research Associate Professor, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Advance optical diagnostics and thermal fluids science for aero-propulsion and low-gravity exploration researches


Ph.D., Environmental Energy , Kobe University, Graduate School of Science and Technology, 2000
M.A., Laser Velocimetry, Kobe University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 1997
B.A., Thermal Fluids, Kobe University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, 1995

Awards and Recognitions

2019, Invited to SpaceX Falcon Heavy rocket (STP-2) launch for an honor of Green Propellant Infusion Mission project contribution, NASA / Ball Aerospace
2014, NASA Exceptional Space Act Award “For the development of NOCARS technology” , NASA Invention and Contribution Board, D.C.
2013, NASA Invention of the Year Award—Honorable Mention “Frame-Transfer Gating Raman Spectroscopy for Time-Resolved Multiscalar Combustion Diagnostics,” , NASA Invention and Contribution Board, D.C.
2012, NASA Major Space Act Award “For the development of Laser Pulse Stretcher", NASA Invention and Contribution Board, D.C.
2011, R&D100 Award “Stretched lasers prevent combustion breakdown”, R&D Magazine
2010, NASA Invention of the Year Award—Runner-Up “Temporal Laser Pulse Manipulation Using Multiple Optical Ring Cavities", NASA Invention and Contribution Board, D.C.

Research Interests

Combustion; Microgravity Fluid Physics; Aero/Space-Propulsion; Thermal-Fluids; Laser Diagnostics, Optical Sensors; Molecular Spectroscopy; Supercritical Water Oxidation; Extreme Environment Gas Sensing; Optical Communications

Other Affiliations

2001 - PRESENT, On-site contractor NASA GRC


Sobhani, S., Legg, J., Bartz, D., Kojima, J. J., Chang, C. J., Sullivan, J. J., Moder, J. J., & Ihme, M. J. (2020). Experimental investigation of lean premixed pre-vaporized liquid-fuel combustion in porous media burners at elevated pressures up to 20 bar. COMBUSTION AND FLAME, 212 , 123-134.
Kojima, J. J., Hegde, U. J., Gotti, D. J., & Hicks, M. J. (2020). Flame structure of supercritical ethanol/water combustion in a co-flow air stream characterized by Raman chemical analysis. JOURNAL OF SUPERCRITICAL FLUIDS, 166
Kojima, J. J., Fischer, D. J., & Chen, J. J. (2017). Code-Validation Scalar Measurements in High-Pressure Hydrogen-Added Methane Combustion. JOURNAL OF PROPULSION AND POWER, 33 (1), 285-302.
Kojima, J. J., Fischer, D. J., & Nguyen, Q. J. (2010). Subframe burst gating for Raman spectroscopy in combustion. OPTICS LETTERS, 35 (9), 1323-1325.
Kojima, J. J., & Nguyen, Q. J. (2008). Single-shot rotational Raman thermometry for turbulent flames using a low-resolution bandwidth technique. MEASUREMENT SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 19 (1).
Hwang, S., Kojima, J. J., Nguyen, Q. J., & Rabinowitz, M. J. (2008). Measurement of collision broadening of the P-1(5) line of (0,0) band of OH A(2)Sigma(+) <- X-2 Pi transition at high temperatures. JOURNAL OF QUANTITATIVE SPECTROSCOPY & RADIATIVE TRANSFER, 109 (16), 2715-2724.
Kojima, J. J., & Nguyen, Q. J. (2008). Observation of Turbulent Mixing in Lean-Direct-Injection Combustion at Elevated Pressure. AIAA JOURNAL, 46 (12), 3116-3127.
Kojima, J. J., & Nguyen, Q. J. (2005). Quantitative analysis of spectral interference of spontaneous Raman scattering in high-pressure fuel-rich H<inf>2</inf>-air combustion. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 94 (3-4), 439-466.
Kojima, J. J., Ikeda, Y. J., & Nakajima, T. J. (2005). Basic aspects of OH(A), CH(A), and C<inf>2</inf>(d) chemiluminescence in the reaction zone of laminar methane-air premixed flames. Combustion and Flame, 140 (1-2), 34-45.
Kojima, J. J., & Nguyen, Q. J. (2004). Entangled biphoton virtual-state spectroscopy of the A <sup>2</sup>Σ <sup>+</sup>-X <sup>2</sup>Π system of OH. Chemical Physics Letters, 396 (4-6), 323-328.
Kojima, J. J., Ikeda, Y. J., & Nakajima, T. J. (2003). Multi-Point Time-Series Observation of Optical Emissions for Flame-Front Motion Analysis. Measurement Science and Technology, 14 , 1714-1724.
Kojima, J. J., & Viet, Q. J. (2002). Laser pulse-stretching with multiple optical ring cavities. Applied Optics, 41 (30), 6360-6370.
Ikeda, Y., Kojima, J. J., & Hashimoto, H. J. (2002). Local Chemiluminescence Spectra Measurements in a High-Pressure Laminar Methane/Air Premixed flame. Proceedings of Combustion Institute, 29 , 1495-1502.
Ikeda, Y., Kojima, J. J., Nakajima, T. J., Akamatsu, F. J., & Katsuki, M. J. (2000). Measurement of the Local Flame-Front Structure of Turbulent Premixed Flames by Local Chemiluminescence. Proceedings of Combustion Institute, 28 , 343-350.
Kojima, J. J., Seo, Y. J., & Nakajima, T. J. (2000). Spatially Resolved Measurement of OH*, CH* and C2* Chemiluminescence in the Reaction Zone of Laminar Methane/Air Premixed Flames. Proceedings of Combustion Institute, 28 , 1757-1764.