Yinghui Wu

Associate Professor, Computer and Data Sciences Department
Devise, design, and develop novel data management and analysis techniques and tools to support data and knowledge management and exploration.
Office: 515 Olin Phone Number: (216) 368-8829 Email: yxw1650@case.edu


Ph.D., Computer Science, University of Edinburgh, 2011
B.S., Computer Science, Peking University, 2007

Awards and Recognitions

2023, Best Reviewer Award, IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering
2020, Best Paper Award, IEEE BigData Conference
2019, Distinguished Reviewer, Very Large Data Base Endowment
2019, Best Paper Candidate/Finalist, IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering
2018, ACM Research Highlight Award, ACM
2015, Google Faculty Research Award, Google

Research Interests

Database, Data Management, Data Mining, Applied Machine Learning, and multidisciplinary research in materials data science, cyber-physical systems, cyber security, and energy systems.

Teaching Interests

Undergraduate, Graduate, and seminar courses related to Data Systems, Data Management, Data Mining.


Lin, P., Song, R., Wu, Y., & Pi, J. (2019). Discovering Patterns for Fact Checking in Knowledge Graphs. ACM JOURNAL OF DATA AND INFORMATION QUALITY, 11 (3).
Zhou, M., Wang, Y., Srivastava, A., Wu, Y., & Banerjee, P. (2019). Ensemble-Based Algorithm for Synchrophasor Data Anomaly Detection. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SMART GRID, 10 (3), 2979-2988.
Ahmed, A., Krishnan, Vignesh V. G., A., Foroutan, S., Touhiduzzaman, M., Rublein, C., Srivastava, A., Wu, Y., Hahn, A., & Suresh, S. (2019). Cyber Physical Security Analytics for Anomalies in Transmission Protection Systems. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRY APPLICATIONS, 55 (6), 6313-6323.
Ma, H., Alipourlangouri, M., Wu, Y., Chiang, F., & Pi, J. (2019). Ontology-based Entity Matching in Attributed Graphs. PROCEEDINGS OF THE VLDB ENDOWMENT, 12 (10), 1195-1207.