Pedram Mohseni

Department Chair, Department of Electrical, Computer and Systems Engineering Professor, Department of Electrical, Computer and Systems Engineering
Creates next-generation, integrated instruments for neural engineering and point-of-care (POC) health diagnostics
Office: 517-B Glennan Phone Number: (216) 368-5263 Fax Number: (216) 368-6888 Email:


Ph.D., Electrical Engineering, University of Michigan, 2005
M.S., Electrical Engineering, University of Michigan, 1999
B.S., Electrical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, 1996

Awards and Recognitions

2020, Goodrich Professor of Engineering Innovation,

Research Interests

Neuroengineering microsystems, Analog/mixed-signal/radio-frequency (RF) integrated circuits for neurotechnology, Low-power low-voltage interface circuits for micro/nano-scale sensors and systems, Biomedical microtelemetry, Wireless brain-machine interfaces, Wireless sensing/actuating systems, Point-of-care diagnostic platforms for personalized health

Teaching Interests

MOS Integrated Circuit Design, Electronic Circuits, Advanced Neural Microsystems, Electronic Analysis and Design

Professional Leadership and Service

Jan. 1, 1994 - PRESENT, Senior Member Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

Patents Received

2017, "Methods and Associated Neural Prosthetic Devices for Bridging Brain Areas to Improve Function" 9,533,150, Pedram Mohseni.
2015, "Methods and Associated Neural Prosthetic Devices for Bridging Brain Areas to Improve Function" 9,008,780, Pedram Mohseni, Meysam Azin, Randolph Nudo, & David Guggenmos.

Patents Pending

2017, "Sensor Apparatus, Systems and Methods of Making Same" PCT/US17/13797, Pedram Mohseni.
2015, "Sensor apparatus, systems and methods of making same" 14/728,642, Umut Gurkan, Pedram Mohseni, Michael Suster, & M Bakshiani.
2012, "Methods and Associated Neural Prosthetic Devices for Bridging Brain Areas to Improve Function" PCT/US2012/42381, Pedram Mohseni, Meysam Azin, Randolph Nudo, & David Guggenmos.


Freeman, B., Maji, D., Nrasimhan, S., Ahuja, S., Little, J., Suster, M., Mohseni, P., & Gurkan, U. (2021). Microfluidic electrical impedance assessment of red blood cell-mediated microvascular occlusion.. Lab on a chip.
Maji, D., Opneja, A., Suster, M., Bane, K., Wilson, B., Mohseni, P., & Stavrou, E. (2021). Monitoring DOACs with a Novel Dielectric Microsensor: A Clinical Study. Thrombosis and Haemostasis.
Mohseni, P. (2020). Compressed principal component regression (C–PCR) algorithm and FPGA validation. IEEE Trans. Circ. Syst. – Part II: Exp. Briefs.
Mohseni, P. (2020). A 280µW, 108dB DR PPG-readout IC with reconfigurable, 2nd-order, incremental ΔΣM front-end for direct light-to-digital conversion. IEEE Trans. Biomed. Circ. Syst..
Mohseni, P. (2020). A dual-output single-stage regulating rectifier with PWM and dual-mode PFM control for wireless powering of biomedical implants. IEEE Trans. Biomed. Circ. Syst..
Mohseni, P., & Charbon, E. (2020). Introduction to the Special Issue on the 2020 IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC). IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 55 (11), 2847-2848.
Mohseni, P. (2020). Auto-resonant tuning for capacitive power and data telemetry using flexible patches. IEEE Trans. Circ. Syst. – Part II: Exp. Briefs.
Erfani, R., Marefat, F., Nag, S., & Mohseni, P. (2020). A 1-10-MHz Frequency-Aware CMOS Active Rectifier With Dual-Loop Adaptive Delay Compensation and >230-mW Output Power for Capacitively Powered Biomedical Implants. IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 55 (3), 756-766.
Mohseni, P. (2020). A 1–10MHz frequency-aware CMOS active rectifier with dual-loop adaptive delay compensation and >230mW output power for capacitively powered biomedical implants. IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, 55 (3), 756-766.
Mohseni, P. (2020). A 1-V 8.1-uW PPG-recording front-end with >92-dB DR using light-to-digital conversion with signal-aware DC subtraction and ambient light removal. IEEE Solid-State Circ. Lett., 3 (1), 17-20.
Marefat, F., Erfani, R., & Mohseni, P. (2020). A 1-V 8.1-µW PPG-Recording Front-End With > 92-dB DR Using Light-to-Digital Conversion With Signal-Aware DC Subtraction and Ambient Light Removal. IEEE Solid-State Circuits Letters, 3 , 17-20.
Maji, D., Nayak, L., Martin, J., Sekhon, U., Sen Gupta, A., Mohseni, P., Suster, M., & Ahuja, S. (2019). A novel, point-of-care, whole-blood assay utilizing dielectric spectroscopy is sensitive to coagulation factor replacement therapy in haemophilia A patients. Haemophilia, 25 (5), 885-892.
Maji, D., Nayak, L., Martin, J., Sekhon, U., Sen Gupta, A., Mohseni, P., Suster, M., & Ahuja, S. (2019). A novel, point-of-care, whole-blood assay utilizing dielectric spectroscopy is sensitive to coagulation factor replacement therapy in haemophilia A patients. Haemophilia, 25 (5), 885-892.
Maji, D., De La Fuente, M., Kucukal, E., Sekhon, U., Schmaier, A., Sen Gupta, A., Gurkan, U., Nieman, M., Stavrou, E., Mohseni, P., & Suster, M. (2018). Assessment of Whole Blood Coagulation with a Microfluidic Dielectric Sensor. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 16 (10), 2050-2056.
Erfani, R., Marefat, F., Sodagar, A., & Mohseni, P. (2018). Modeling and Experimental Validation of a Capacitive Link for Wireless Power Transfer to Biomedical Implants. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 65 (7), 923-927.
Mohseni, P. (2018). Modeling and characterization of capacitive elements with tissue as dielectric material for wireless powering of neural implants. IEEE Trans. Neural Syst. Rehab. Eng..
Mohseni, P. (2018). A brain-spinal interface (BSI) system-on-chip (SoC) for closed-loop cortically-controlled intraspinal microstimulation. J. Analog Integr. Circ. Sig. Process..
Shahdoost, S., Frost, S., Guggenmos, D., Borrell, J., Dunham, C., Barbay, S., Nudo, R., & Mohseni, P. (2018). A brain-spinal interface (BSI) system-on-chip (SoC) for closed-loop cortically-controlled intraspinal microstimulation. Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing.
Mohseni, P. (2018). C–FSCV: Compressive fast-scan cyclic voltammetry for brain dopamine recording. IEEE Trans. Neural Syst. Rehab. Eng..
Erfani, R., Marefat, F., Sodagar, A., & Mohseni, P. (2018). Modeling and Characterization of Capacitive Elements with Tissue as Dielectric Material for Wireless Powering of Neural Implants. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering.
Alizadeh, A., Bahrami, H., Maleki, M., Tran, N., & Mohseni, P. (2018). On the Coexistence of Nano networks: Sensing Techniques for Molecular Communications. IEEE Transactions on Molecular, Biological and Multi-Scale Communications.
Zamani, H., Bahrami, H., Chalwadi, P., Garris, P., & Mohseni, P. (2018). C�FSCV: Compressive Fast-Scan Cyclic Voltammetry for Brain Dopamine Recording. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 26 (1), 51-59.
Mohseni, P. (2017). On the coexistence of nanonetworks: Sensing techniques for molecular communications. IEEE Trans. Molecular Biol. Multi-Scale Comm..
Erfani, R., Marefat, F., Sodagar, A., & Mohseni, P. (2017). Modeling and Experimental Validation of a Capacitive Link for Wireless Power Transfer to Biomedical Implants. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs.
Mohseni, P. (2017). Generation of stimulus triggering from intracortical spike activity for brain-machine-body interfaces (BMBIs). IEEE Trans. Neural Syst. Rehab. Eng..
Maji, D., Suster, M., Kucukal, E., Sekhon, U., Gupta, A., Gurkan, U., Stavrou, E., & Mohseni, P. (2017). ClotChip: A Microfluidic Dielectric Sensor for Point-of-Care Assessment of Hemostasis. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems.
Suster, M., Vitale, N., Maji, D., & Mohseni, P. (2016). A Circuit Model of Human Whole Blood in a Microfluidic Dielectric Sensor. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs [10577130], 63 (12), 1156-1160.
Bozorgzadeh, B., Schuweiler, D., Bobak, M., Garris, P., & Mohseni, P. (2016). Neurochemostat: A neural interface SoC with integrated chemometrics for closed-loop regulation of brain dopamine. IEEE Trans. Biomed. Circuits and Systems, 10 (3), 654-667.
Bakhshiani, M., Suster, M., & Mohseni, P. (2015). A 9MHz–2.4GHz fully integrated transceiver IC for a microfluidic-CMOS platform dedicated to miniaturized dielectric spectroscopy. IEEE Trans. Biomed. Circuits and Systems, 9 (6), 849-861.
Maji, D., Suster, M., Stavrou, E., Gurkan, U., & Mohseni, P. (2015). Monitoring time course of human whole blood coagulation using a microfluidic dielectric sensor with a 3D capacitive structure.. Conference proceedings : ... Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual Conference, 2015 , 5904-7.
Ebrazeh, A., & Mohseni, P. (2015). 30 pJ/b, 67 Mbps, Centimeter-to-Meter Range Data Telemetry With an IR-UWB Wireless Link. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BIOMEDICAL CIRCUITS AND SYSTEMS, 9 (3), 362-369.
Limnuson, K., Lu, S., Chiel, H., & Mohseni, P. (2015). A bidirectional neural interface SoC with an integrated spike recorder, microstimulator, and low-power processor for real-time stimulus artifact rejection. ANALOG INTEGRATED CIRCUITS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING, 82 (2), 457-470.
Bakhshiani, M., Suster, M., & Mohseni, P. (2014). A broadband sensor interface IC for miniaturized dielectric spectroscopy from MHz to GHz. IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, 49 (8), 1669-1681.
Limnuson, K., Lu, H., Chiel, H., & Mohseni, P. (2014). Real-time stimulus artifact rejection via template subtraction. IEEE Trans. Biomed. Circuits and Systems, 8 (3), 391-400.
Mohseni, P., & Bozorgzadeh, B. (2014). A neurochemical pattern generator SoC with switched-electrode management for single-chip electrical stimulation and 9.3µW, 78pArms, 400V/s FSCV sensing. IEEE J. Solid-State Circuits, 49 (4), 881-895.
Mohseni, P., & Nudo, R. (2013). Restoration of function after brain damage using a neural prosthesis. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (PNAS), 110 (52), 21177-21182.