Michael Rabinovich

Professor Emeritus, Computer and Data Sciences Department
Investigates solutions to improve Internet performance, scalability and security
Office: 507 Olin Email: michael.rabinovich@case.edu


Ph.D., Computer Science, University of Washington

Research Interests

My current interests revolve around distributed systems and networking. In particular, my current focus is on Internet measurements, content delivery networks and Web hosting platforms, cloud computing, and Internet security.

Teaching Interests

Networking and Internet

Patents Received

2015, "Internet measurement system application programming interface " 9,021,082, Michael Rabinovich.


Al-Qudah, Z., Jomhawy, I., Alsarayreh, M., & Rabinovich, M. (2020). On the stability and diversity of Internet routes in the MPLS era. Performance Evaluation, Elsevier, 138
Al-Dalky, R., Rabinovich, M., & Allman, M. (2018). Practical challenge-response for DNS. ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, 48 (3), 20-28.
Al-Qudah, Z., Johnson, E., Rabinovich, M., & Spatcheck, O. (2016). Internet with Transient Destination-Controlled Addressing. ACM/IEEE Trans. on Networking.
Rabinovich, M., & Allman, M. (2016). Measuring the Internet. IEEE Internet Computing [10897801], 20 (4), 8-Jun.
Ding, H., & Rabinovich, M. (2015). TCP Stretch Acknowledgements and Timestamps: Findings and Implications for Passive RTT Measurement. ACM SIGCOMM Computer Comm. Review, 45 (3), 20-27.
Ouyang, T., Ray, S., Allman, M., & Rabinovich, M. (2014). A Large-Scale Empirical Analysis of Email Spam Detection Through Network Characteristics in a Stand-Alone Enterprise. Computer Networks, Elsevier, 59 , 101--121.
Callahan, T., Allman, M., & Rabinovich, M. (2013). On modern DNS behavior and properties. Computer Communication Review, 43 (3), 7-15.