Ran An receives grant in support of anemia and hemoglobin test research

Ran An, a senior research associate in the lab of Umut Gurkan—the Warren E. Rupp Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering—received a grant from the Center for Advancing Point of Care Technologies in Heart, Lung, Blood and Sleep Disorders (CAPCaT). The one-year $148,120 grant will support An’s research proposal, “Anemia and Hemoglobin Test,” focused on integrating artificial intelligence and machine learning to anemia and hemoglobin point-of-care testing with global impact, for which he is PI. This project complements An’s research on non-invasive point-of-care diagnostics for sickle cell, anemia and malaria, which previously won third place in the NIH Technology Accelerator Challenge in collaboration with Hemex Health Inc. and Medtronic Inc.
The Center for Advancing Point of Care Technologies in Heart, Lung, Blood and Sleep Disorders is part of the Point Of Care Technology Research Network, whose focus is to support development and testing of promising “late-stage” point of care technologies that can be rapidly deployed to enhance the diagnosis, monitoring, management and/or treatment of heart, lung, blood and sleep disorders.