Ph.D. Student Received Award for Student Poster Competition at US DOT National University Transportation Center Annual Symposium

Jamiu Lateef, a Ph.D. student in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Received the 2nd place in the student poster competition at the 2024 annual symposium of the US Department of Transportation National Center for Transportation Infrastructure Durability & Life Extension (TriDurLE). The symposium was held at the Texas A&M Hotel and Conference Center in College Station, Texas in February 2024.
The award winning poster ‘Experimental Study of Sustainable Asphalt Binder: Influence of Thermochromic Materials’ focuses on using innovative thermochromic materials to create new asphalt binders that possess desirable solar reflectance at high temperatures and reflect less solar energy at low temperatures. This research helps reduce the pavement surface temperature during summer and, therefore, extend the pavement service life. This innovation is recognized by the judges at the symposium. Jamiu’s research explores Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality for infrastructural condition assessment.
Jamiu is a member of the Intelligent Infrastructure System laboratory led by Dr. Xiong (Bill) Yu, the Opal J. and Richard A. Vanderhoof Professor and Chair of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.
Congratulations! Jamiu