Inside the CRAB LAB: A Short Video

Student a cappella group Dhamakapella and the Veale Institute for Entrepreneurship present:
Inside the CRAB LAB
A video featuring Kathryn Daltorio, assistant professor, mechanical engineering, a 2022 Veale Faculty Entrepreneurship Fellow... and our very own Dr. Roboto!
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Building a crablike robot capable of obtaining harmful objects (such as unexploded IEDs) safely without human divers takes years of work and brainpower.
"I enjoy the challenge of sending robots in new environments," says Daltorio. As the video shows, they've taken their robot prototypes on the road as well as tested in the lab in multiple terrains.
The Veale Faculty Fellows program is focused on translational activities in the natural sciences, engineering, social sciences and humanities. The institute’s goal is to improve participation in entrepreneurship activities among all CWRU faculty.
Having the Veale Fellowship is a piece of the puzzle for Daltorio—one that expands the world of an engineer into an entrepreneurial mindset.
"In academia, we get to choose our problems, and a better understanding of the entrepreneurship landscape can help us choose problems that matter," she says.
Daltorio's team has tested, tweaked, and calculated over and over again. They have done, and continue to do amazing work that will potentially keep numerous people from harm.
And for that we say, domo arigato.