Workforce Recruitment Program

The Workforce Recruitment Program (WRP) is a program run by the United States Department of Education. It helps qualified students and recent graduates with disabilities to obtain internships and permanent positions with federal and private employers across the U.S. 

To be eligible for WRP, candidates must be:

  • Current, full-time undergraduate or graduate students with a disability, or recent graduates who have graduated after on or after April 1, 2020.
  • U.S. citizens, be attending or have graduated from a U.S. Department of Education accredited university.
  • Eligible for a Schedule A Hiring Authority for persons with disabilities. 


Visit to register and apply. To assist you with the registration and application process, a list of helpful resources can be found here, including a Sample Schedule A letter and a list of job preferences. 

For more information, contact Genine Apidone at