Case School of Engineering News

Summer Spotlight: Julian Town

Julian Town, mechanical and aerospace engineering student, spends summer at Northrop Grumman Corporation as systems engineering intern in the Space Systems Division.

Summer Spotlight: Veebha Havaldar

Veebha Havaldar spent her third summer in the Krishna Lab and my second summer participating in the Case Comprehensive Cancer Center’s CanSUR program. Learn more about this biomedical engineering student's research.

Spartan Showcase: Jake Grondz

Meet a chemical engineering student working to improve properties of a widely used material with applications in the automotive, aerospace, manufacturing and footwear industries.

A commitment to CWRU: Longtime Case School of Engineering employees retire after 30+ years

When members of the Case Western Reserve community are asked what their favorite thing is about the university, there’s one nearly universal response: the people. For some, our campus serves as their professional home for significant portions of their lives—and their efforts are essential to advancing CWRU’s mission. Earlier this summer, we put out a call to staff and faculty members who were retiring after 30+ years of service to Case Western Reserve, and two key members of Case School of Engineering shared their stories: Jim McGuffin-Cawley and Ann Boughner.

Summer Spotlight: Gwyn Lai

Gwyn Lai, chemical engineering student, is spending her summer at the Argonne National Laboratory in Lemont, Illinois.

Summer Spotlight: Chuka-Ipere

Anthony Chuka-Ipere is spending his summer at Parker Hannifin as an engineering intern working with thermoplastic tubing.