D.Sc., Systems Science and Mathematics, Washington University, St. Louis
M.S., Systems Science and Mathematics, Washington University, St. Louis
M.S., Electrical Engineering, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China
B.S., Electrical Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, China
Nonlinear control, dynamic systems with time-delay, homogeneous systems theory, stochastic stability and stochastic control, robust and adaptive control, nonlinear observers, estimation and output feedback, control of nonholonomic or underactuated mechanical systems and robotics, renewable energy, power systems and smart grids.
Warren E. Rupp Endowed Assistant Professorship
JSPS Fellow, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Robert J. Herbold Faculty Fellow Award
IEEE Fellow
2011-Present Associate Editor, Int. J. of Robust and Nonlinear Control
2005-2010 Subject Editor, Int. J. of Robust and Nonlinear Control
2003-2008 Associate Editor, J. of Control Theory and Applications
2002-2005 Associate Editor, Automatica
2002-2003 Guest Editor, Special Issue on, "New Directions in Nonlinear Control," IEEE Trans. Automat. Contr.
1999-2001 Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
2016 Plenary Speaker, The 8th Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC 2016), Suzhou, China, April 15-17, 2016
2011 Plenary Speaker, International Conference on Applied, Computational Mathematics and Optimization, Chiang Mai, Thailand, January 6-10
2009 Semi-Plenary Speaker, 21st Chinese Control and Decision Conference, Guilin, June 17-19
2009 Plenary Speaker, 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Networks and Systems, Tianjin, China, November 1-3
2007 Plenary Speaker, 7th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems (NOLCOS'07), Pretoria, South Africa, August 22-24
2004 Semi-Plenary Speaker, 6th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems (NOLCOS'04), Stuttgart, Germany, September 1-3
2001 Keynote Speaker, 4th Nonlinear Control Network Workshop: Nonlinear and Adaptive Control, Sheffield, U.K., June 25-28
2005-Present Technical Committee (TC) of Nonlinear Control Systems, International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC)
2010 Program Committee, 8th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems (NOLCOS'10), Bologna, Italy, August 30 - Sept. 2
2008 Invited Session Chair, 8th World Congress of Intelligent Control and Automation, Chongqing, China, June 22-24
2007 Program Committee, 7th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems (NOLCOS'07), Pretoria, South Africa, August 22-24
2006 Workshop Chair, 7th World Congress of Intelligent Control and Automation, Dalian, China, June 26-28
2005 Program Committee, 44th IEEE Control and Decision Conference, Seville, Spain, Dec. 12-15
2004 Program Committee, 2004 American Control Conference, Boston, MA, June 28-30
2003-2005 Member of the Board of Governors, IEEE Control Systems Society
2002 Vice Program Chair (Invited Sessions), 41st IEEE Control and Decision Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, December 10-13
2002 Program Committee, 15th Mathematical Theory of Networks and Systems (MTNS`02) Conference, University of Notre Dame, Indiana, August 12-16
2001 Vice Program Chair (Short Papers), 40th IEEE Control and Decision Conference,Orlando, FL, December 4-7
1999 Program Committee, 38th IEEE Control and Decision Conference, Phoenix, AZ, December 7-10
1996-2000 Chairman, Control Systems Society Chapter, IEEE Cleveland Section
1996-Present NSF Panel; Reviewer for NSF, ARO, ONR and Hong Kong Research Council
1996-1999 PI, Feedback Design for Nonlinear Systems, National Science Foundation (DMS-9634395).
1999-2003 PI, Taking Advantage of Nonlinearity: New Methods for Nonlinear Feedback Design, National Science Foundation (ECS-9875273), CAREER AWARD.
1999-2002 PI, Robust Control of Nonlinear Systems: Passivation and Small Feedback Techniques, National Science Foundation (DMS-9972045).
2000-2002 Co-PI (with K. A. Loparo), Motor Diagnostics and Advanced Control--- Theory and Experiments, NSF GOALI Project (ECS-9906218).
2002-2005 PI, Control of Nonlinear Systems with Uncontrollable Unstable Linearization: A Nonsmooth Feedback Framework, National Science Foundation (DMS-0203387).
2004-2007 PI, Nonsmooth Measurement Feedback Control of Nonlinear Systems with Applications to Biologically-Inspired Systems, National Science Foundation (ECS-0400413).
2005-2007 PI (subcontract), A Novel Biologically-Inspired Multi-Mode MAV, Air Force Research Laboratory (FA8651-05-C-0110).
2006-2008 PI (with Darrin Young, subcontract), Design and Prototyping of High Performance Control Systems for MEMS Gyroscopes, Ohio ICE (CON-102019).
Courses Taught Control Systems (EE 431), Engineering Mathematics, Ordinary Differential Equations, Nonlinear Systems (SSM 553), Nonlinear Analysis and Stability Theory (ESCI 518), Nonlinear Feedback Design: A Differential Geometric Approach (EECS 519), H-infinity and Robust Control (ESCI 520), Optimization and Optimal Control (ESCI 421), Engineering Optimization (ESCI 346), Control Engineering (EECS 304-305), Digital Control (ESCI 306), Linear Systems Theory (EECS 408), Nonlinear Systems (EECS 413), Adaptive Control (EECS418), Queueing Theory and Stochastic Models (SEG 3570), Applied Probability and Statistics (SEG 2430), Signal and Systems (EECS212-214).
Co-advisor (with R. D. Quinn) for R. M. Kolacinski (1998), Ph.D. Thesis: "Dynamics and Control of an Antagonistic Biomimetic Actuator System," Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, CWRU
Advisor for C. Qian (2001), Ph.D. Thesis: "Global Synthesis of Nonlinear Systems with Uncontrollable Linearization," Dept. of Electrical Eng. and Computer Science, CWRU
Advisor for P. Radom (2002), Ph.D. Thesis: "Time-Varying Feedback Design for Nonlinearly Parameterized Systems," Dept. of EECS, CWRU
Advisor for X. Huang (2003), Ph.D. Thesis: "Finite-Time Stabilization and Detection of Nonlinear Systems," Dept. of EECS, CWRU
Advisor for Q. Gong (2003), Ph.D. Thesis: "Robust Output Regulation of Uncertain Nonlinear Systems," Dept. of Electrical Engi. and Computer Science (EECS), CWRU
Advisor for B. Yang (2005), Ph.D. Thesis: "Output Feedback Control of Nonlinear Systems with Unstabilizable/Undetectable Linearization, " Dept. of EECS, CWRU
Advisor for J. Wei (2006), Ph.D. Thesis: "Observation and Estimation of Nonlinear Systems, " Dept. of Electrical Engi. and Computer Science (EECS), CWRU
Advisor for H. Lei (2007), Ph.D. Thesis: "Universal Output Feedback Control of Nonlinear Systems, " Dept. of EECS, CWRU
Advisor for Zongtao Lu (2010), Ph.D. Thesis: "A Study of Nonlinear Control for Power Generation Systems, " Dept. of EECS, CWRU
2007-2008 Promotion and Tenure Committee, The Case School of Engineering
2006-2007 Executive Committee, The Case School of Engineering
2002-2003 Member, EECS Facility Committee
1999-2000 EECS Dept. Chair Search Committee
1996-present Member, ESCI and EECS Graduate Admissions Committee
1996-1998 Research, Committee, The Case School of Engineering