At the Hegarty Lab in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Case Western Reserve University, we use “big data” and “ multi-omic” approaches to understand and engineer the microbiomes of built and natural environments in order to preserve both human and environmental health. Our two major foci are to (1) shift infrastructure design to promote healthy microbial communities and (2) improve ecosystem services through microbial community design.
We currently have active projects in three main areas:
Developing novel phage-based drinking water treatment technologies
Reducing greenhouse gas emissions and pollutant runoff from wetlands
If you are interested in collaborations (whether in these or other related areas), email Prof. Bridget Hegarty. Our lab is also recruiting new undergraduate students, graduate students, and postdocs. If you reach out about open positions, including your favorite color in the email will increase the likelihood of a response.
To read more about our work, check out Prof. Bridget Hegarty’s Google Scholar and our lab's Github.