I) Electrical characterization
1) Impedance analyzers:
a) Agilent 4991 – 1MHz : 3 GHz
b) Agilent 4294A (2 of them) – 40 Hz : 115 MHz. These measurements can be done up to 1600°C in controlled atmosphere with a customized furnace.
c) Solarton – 1Hz : 1MHz. These measurements can be done up to 1000°C in controlled atmosphere.
2) Ferroelectric analyzers:
a) aixACCT – allows unipolar and bipolar ferroelectric, piezoelectric, Pyroelectric, small voltage capacitance and leakage measurements. The measurements can be done up to 250°C and sample holders can handle bulk materials, thick films and thin films.
b) Radiant – allows unipolar and bipolar ferroelectric, piezoelectric, leakage measurements. The measurements can be done up to 250°C.
3) Piezoelectric measurements:
a) PolyTek Laser Dopplermeter: allow large working distance sub-nano-level displacement measurements coupled with aixACCT.
b) Photonic Sensor: allows displacement measurements using white light.
c) Berlincourt d33 meter: measures direct piezoelectric coefficient at room temperature.
4) Hall measurements (LakeShore): Allows measurement of sign, density and mobility of charge carriers up to 500°C.
5) Thermal Power measurements (ULVAC ZEM 3): Allows measurement of Seebeck coefficient and four-point DC resistivity up to 1000°C.
6) Thermal Conductivity Measurements (Anter): Allow measurements of thermal diffusivity and conductivity from liquid nitrogen temperatures up to > 2000°C.
II) Processing:
1) Conventional ceramic processing: Numerous ball mills, freeze mill, uniaxial press, manual and automatic machining saws, polishing wheels, slip casting molds, drying ovens and several furnaces.
2) Single crystal growth or directional solidification:
a) Float zone laser melting
b) Vertical Bridgman Furnace
3) Thin film growth:
4) Pulse Laser Deposition with RHEED gun that allows inspection of atomic layer by layer growth characteristics.
5) Coherent pico-second (multi-wavelength) pulse laser for ablation and deposition
6) Physical Vapor Deposition (Kurt Lesker): Allow deposition of up to three materials simultaneously, including magnetic targets.
III) Other:
1) Optimol SRV: Tribology measurement instrument. The option to perform the measurements in vacuum makes it one of the two with such ability in the world (other one is in China).
2) Gas mass flow controller system (Tes-Sol): Allows mixing of nitrogen and oxygen sweeping from pure oxygen to 10-8 parts O2.