Research Activities

Explore research initiatives of the SCC-IRG Track 2: A Manufacturing-Driven Approach to Advancing Community in Northeast Ohio grant at Case Western Reserve University.  


Use-Inspired Research 

Task 1

Develop an integrated real-time machine anomaly detection system for legacy machines that include:

  • Sensors

  • Data acquisition hardware

  • Remote data access, and 

  • AI-based data analytics 

This system will enable integrated computation at the edge and in the cloud to improve process observability and reduce unexpected machine downtime.

Task 2

Develop a collaborative infrastructure that stimulates resource sharing among small and medium-sized manufacturers (SMMs) for cross-collaboration to improve resiliency and agility and better respond to supply chain dynamics between SMMs and the community to provide an ecosystem for education, training and workforce development. 

Task 3 

Develop an IIoT-enabled business management system that conducts socio-technical systems modeling and analysis of organizational changes and implementations and prepares for organizational workforce transformation to a new IIoT-driven environment, which evaluates the impact on the SMMs organization. 

Task 4

Develop a workforce training program through academia-community-manufacturer partnerships with collaborators at Cleveland State University, Lorain County Community College, and various industry companies implemented at a testing facility provided by the company Dan T. Moore. 


Journal Publications

  • T. Ji , E. Ayday, E. Yilmaz, and P. Li, “Towards Robust Fingerprinting of Relational Databases by Mitigating Correlation Attacks,” IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 2022, accepted.


Conference Papers and Presentations

  • T. Eley IV  and K. Lyytinen, "Industry 4.0 Implementation: Novel Issues and Directions", Proceedings of the 55th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 5111–5120., 2022.

  • J. Zhang, C. Cooper, and R. Gao, "Federated Learning for privacy-preserving collaboration in smart manufacturing", Proceedings of the 18th CIRP Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing (GCSM), Berlin, Germany, October, 2022, accepted.