Explore research initiatives of the SCC-IRG Track 2: A Manufacturing-Driven Approach to Advancing Community in Northeast Ohio grant at Case Western Reserve University.
Use-Inspired Research
Task 1
Develop an integrated real-time machine anomaly detection system for legacy machines that include:
Data acquisition hardware
Remote data access, and
AI-based data analytics
This system will enable integrated computation at the edge and in the cloud to improve process observability and reduce unexpected machine downtime.
Task 2
Develop a collaborative infrastructure that stimulates resource sharing among small and medium-sized manufacturers (SMMs) for cross-collaboration to improve resiliency and agility and better respond to supply chain dynamics between SMMs and the community to provide an ecosystem for education, training and workforce development.
Task 3
Develop an IIoT-enabled business management system that conducts socio-technical systems modeling and analysis of organizational changes and implementations and prepares for organizational workforce transformation to a new IIoT-driven environment, which evaluates the impact on the SMMs organization.
Task 4
Develop a workforce training program through academia-community-manufacturer partnerships with collaborators at Cleveland State University, Lorain County Community College, and various industry companies implemented at a testing facility provided by the company Dan T. Moore.
Journal Publications
T. Ji , E. Ayday, E. Yilmaz, and P. Li, “Towards Robust Fingerprinting of Relational Databases by Mitigating Correlation Attacks,” IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 2022, accepted.
Conference Papers and Presentations
T. Eley IV and K. Lyytinen, "Industry 4.0 Implementation: Novel Issues and Directions", Proceedings of the 55th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 5111–5120. https://doi.org/10.24251/HICSS.2022.622, 2022.
J. Zhang, C. Cooper, and R. Gao, "Federated Learning for privacy-preserving collaboration in smart manufacturing", Proceedings of the 18th CIRP Global Conference on Sustainable Manufacturing (GCSM), Berlin, Germany, October, 2022, accepted.