Analytical Equipment Available
- Raman Spectroscopy (Renishaw inVia confocal microscope) is a non-destructive chemical analysis technique which provides detailed information about chemical structure. The CHiC Raman has 3 laser sources as well as a Leica camera and magnification objectives for imaging.
- Thermal Gravimetric Analysis (Discovery TGA 55) is a method of thermal analysis in which the mass of a sample is measured over time as the temperature changes and can be used to measure residual solvents and moisture as well as to investigate the thermal stability of polymers.
- FTIR Spectroscopy (Thermo Nicolet iS50 FT-IR) is an analytical technique used to obtain an infrared spectrum of a material. Both a transmission module and ATR module are available.
- UV-VIS Spectrometer (Cary 3500) – a double-beam spectrophotometer with a wavelength range between 190-1100 nm, this device can be used to quantify biomolecules and organic compounds.
Imaging Equipment Available
- Contact Angle Measurement (Dataphysics OCA 15) is an image-based system that calculates contact angle of a droplet on a surface and allows investigation into the wetting behavior in solid surfaces.
- AFM (Agilent 5500 Scanning Probe Microscope) – Scanning probe microscopy is used for high spatial resolution microscopy, scanning probe microscopy is often used for atomic force microscopy (AFM) but can also be used for other techniques.