Fumi Takahashi

Professor Emeritus, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
Develops fire safety technologies and investigates combustion phenomena for practical applications
Office: 613 Glennan Phone Number: (216) 368-6838 Email: fxt13@case.edu

Awards and Recognitions

2002, Associate Fellow, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Research Interests

Experimental and computational studies in the field of fire and combustion science and engineering; more specifically, flame stabilization, microgravity combustion, spacecraft/aircraft fire safety, fire suppression, halon replacement, passive fire protection, fire retardants, soot formation, smoke toxicity, sensors for firefighters, turbulent combustion, and laser diagnostics.

Teaching Interests

EMAE 457 Combustion
EMAE/EMAC 464 Fire Protection Engineering
EMAE 285 Mechanical Engineering Measurement Laboratory

Professional Leadership and Service

Associate Fellow American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics


Takahashi, F., Katta, V., Babushok, V., & Linteris, G. (2020). Numerical and experimental studies of extinguishment of cup-burner flames by C6F12O. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute.
Babushok, V., Katta, V., & Takahashi, F. (2020). Equivalence Ratio Influence on the Flame Suppression Concentration of 2-BTP and Novec 1230. Combustion Science and Technology.
Takahashi, F., Katta, V., & Babushok, V. (2020). Numerical and Experimental Studies of Extinguishment of Cup-Burner Flames by C6F12O. .
Takahashi, F. (2019). Whole-House Fire Blanket Protection From Wildland-Urban Interface Fires. Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering, 5 , 60.
Kang, J., Takahashi, F., & T�ien, J. (2019). Computer Tomography Based Structure Characterization of Expanded Intumescent Coatings for Fire Protection. Fire Technology, 55 (3), 689-712.
Takahashi, F., Katta, V., Linteris, G., & Babushok, V. (2019). Numerical study of gas-phase interactions of phosphorus-containing compounds with co-flow diffusion flames. Proceedings of The Combustion Institute, 37 , 4145-4153.
Kang, J., Takahashi, F., & Tien, J. S. (2018). Computer tomography based structure characterization of expanded intumescent coatings for fire protection. Fire Technology.
Kang, J., Takahashi, F., & T�ien, J. (2018). In situ thermal-conductivity measurements and morphological characterization of intumescent coatings for fire protection. Journal of Fire Sciences, 36 (5), 419-437.
Kang, J., Takahashi, F., & T�ien, J. (2018). In situ thermal-conductivity measurements and morphological characterization of intumescent coatings for fire protection. Journal of Fire Sciences, 36 (5), 419-437.
Takahashi, F., Katta, V., & Hicks, M. (2018). Cool-Flame Burning and Oscillations of Envelope Diffusion Flames in Microgravity. Microgravity Science and Technology, 30 (4), 339-351.
Takahashi, F., Katta, V., Linteris, G., & Babushok, V. (2018). Numerical study of gas-phase interactions of phosphorus-containing compounds with co-flow diffusion flames. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 37 (3), 4145-4153.
Takahashi, F., Katta, V., Linteris, G., & Babushok, V. (2017). A computational study of extinguishment and enhancement of propane cup-burner flames by halon and alternative agents. Fire Safety Journal, 91 , 688-694.
Giassi, D., Cao, S., Bennett, B., Stocker, D., Takahashi, F., Smooke, M., & Long, M. (2016). Analysis of CH* concentration and flame heat release rate in laminar coflow diffusion flames under microgravity and normal gravity. Combustion and Flame [00102180], 167 , 198-206.
Linteris, G., Babushok, V., Pagliaro, J., Burgess, J., Manion, J., Takahashi, F., Katta, V., & Baker, P. (2016). Understanding overpressure in the FAA aerosol can test by C3H2F3Br (2-BTP). Combustion and Flame [00102180], 167 , 452-462.
Bouvet, N., Linteris, G., Babushok, V., Takahashi, F., Katta, V., & Krämer, R. (2016). Experimental and numerical investigation of the gas-phase effectiveness of phosphorus compounds: Gas-phase action of phosphorus flame retardants. Fire and Materials [03080501], 40 (5), 683-696.
Bouvet, N., Linteris, G., Babushok, V., Takahashi, F., Katta, V., & Krämer, R. (2016). A comparison of the gas-phase fire retardant action of DMMP and Br2 in co-flow diffusion flame extinguishment,. Combustion and Flame [00102180], 169 , 340-348.
Babushok, V., Linteris, G., Katta, V., & Takahashi, F. (2016). Influence of hydrocarbon moiety of DMMP on flame propagation in lean mixtures. Combustion and Flame [00102180], 171 , 168-172.
Takahashi, F., Katta, V., & Linteris, G. (2014). Combustion Inhibition and Enhancement of Cup-Burner Flames by CF3Br, C2HF5, C2HF3Cl2, and C3H2F3Br. Proceeding of the Combustion Institute, 35 , 2741–2748.
Cao, S., Ma, B., Bennett, B., Giassi, D., Stocker, D., Takahashi, F., Long, M., & Smooke, M. (2014). Computational and Experimental Study of Coflow Laminar Diffusion Flames:Eects of Fuel Dilution, Inlet Velocity, and Gravity. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 35 , 897-903.
Ma, B., Cao, S., Giassi, D., Stocker, D., Takahashi, F., Bennett, B., Smooke, M., & Long, M. (2014). Experimental and Computational Study on Soot Formation in a Coflow Jet Flame under Microgravity and Normal Gravity. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 35 , 839-846.
Takahashi, F., Abbott, A., Murray, T., Tien, J. S., & Olson, S. S. (2013). Thermal response characteristics of fire blanket materials. Fire and Materials, 38 , 609-638 .
Takahashi, F., Katta, V., Linteris, G., & Meier, O. (2013). Cup-Burner Flame Structure and Extinguishment by C2HF5 in Microgravity. Proceedings of The Combustion Institute, 34 , 2707-2717.
Linteris, G., Babushok, V., Sunderland, P., Takahashi, F., Katta, V., & Meier, O. (2013). Unwanted Combustion Enhancement by C6F12O Fire Suppressant. Proceedings of The Combustion Institute, 34 , 2683-2690.
Karnani, S., Dunn-Rankin, D., Takahashi, F., Yuan, Z., & Stocker, D. (2012). Simulated Gravity Using Electric Fields in Microgravity Combustion. Combustion Science and Technology, 184 (10-11), 1891-1902.
Linteris, G., Katta, V., Takahashi, F., Chelliah, H., & Meier, O. (2012). Stirred-Reactor Calculations to Understand Unwanted Combustion Enhancement by Potential Halon Replacements. Combustion and Flame, 159 , 1016-1025.