Bob Kirsch

Department Chair, Biomedical Engineering Professor, Biomedical Engineering Director, Cleveland FES Center
Office: 340 Wickenden Phone Number: (216) 368-3158 Fax Number: (216) 368-4969 Email:


Ph.D., Biomedical Engineering, Northwestern University
M.S., Biomedical Engineering, Northwestern University, 1986
B.S., Electrical Engineering, University of Cincinnati, 1982


Rastogi, A., Vargas-Irwin, C., Willett, F., Abreu, J., Crowder, D., Murphy, B., Memberg, W., Miller, J., Sweet, J., Walter, B., Cash, S., Rezaii, P., Franco, B., Saab, J., Stavisky, S., Shenoy, K., Henderson, J., Hochberg, L., Kirsch, B. F., & Ajiboye, B. B. (2020). Neural Representation of Observed, Imagined, and Attempted Grasping Force in Motor Cortex of Individuals with Chronic Tetraplegia.. Scientific reports, 10 (1), 1429.
Stavisky, S., Willett, F., Wilson, C., Murphy, B., Rezaii, P., Avansino, D., Memberg, W., Miller, J., Kirsch, B. F., Hochberg, L. F., Ajiboye, B. B., Druckmann, S. B., Shenoy, K. B., & Henderson, J. B. (2019). Neural ensemble dynamics in dorsal motor cortex during speech in people with paralysis.. eLife, 8
Willett, F., Young, D., Murphy, B., Memberg, W., Blabe, C., Pandarinath, C., Stavisky, S., Rezaii, P., Saab, J., Walter, B., Sweet, J., Miller, J., Henderson, J., Shenoy, K., Simeral, J., Jarosiewicz, B., Hochberg, L., Kirsch, B. F., & Bolu Ajiboye, A. F. (2019). Principled BCI Decoder Design and Parameter Selection Using a Feedback Control Model. Scientific Reports, 9 (1).
Kirsch, B. F., Ajiboye, B. B., & Miller, J. B. (2019). The Reconnecting the Hand and Arm with Brain (ReHAB) Commentary on "An Integrated Brain-Machine Interface Platform With Thousands of Channels".. Journal of medical Internet research, 21 (10), e16339.
Young, D., Willett, F., Memberg, W., Murphy, B., Rezaii, P., Walter, B., Sweet, J., Miller, J., Shenoy, K., Hochberg, L., Kirsch, B. F., & Ajiboye, B. B. (2019). Closed-loop cortical control of virtual reach and posture using cartesian and joint velocity commands. Journal of Neural Engineering, 16 (2).
Young, D., Willett, F., Memberg, W., Murphy, B., Rezaii, P., Walter, B., Sweet, J., Miller, J., Shenoy, K., Hochberg, L., Kirsch, B. F., & Ajiboye, B. B. (2019). Closed-loop cortical control of virtual reach and posture using cartesian and joint velocity commands. Journal of Neural Engineering, 16 (2).
Willett, F., Murphy, B., Young, D., Memberg, W., Blabe, C., Pandarinath, C., Franco, B., Saab, J., Walter, B., Sweet, J., Miller, J., Henderson, J., Shenoy, K., Simeral, J., Jarosiewicz, B., Hochberg, L., Kirsch, B. F., & Ajiboye, B. B. (2018). A Comparison of Intention Estimation Methods for Decoder Calibration in Intracortical Brain�Computer Interfaces. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 65 (9), 2066-2078.
Young, D., Willett, F., Memberg, W., Murphy, B., Walter, B., Sweet, J., Miller, J., Hochberg, L., Kirsch, B. F., & Ajiboye, B. B. (2018). Signal processing methods for reducing artifacts in microelectrode brain recordings caused by functional electrical stimulation. Journal of Neural Engineering, 15 (2).
Brandman, D., Hosman, T., Saab, J., Burkhart, M., Shanahan, B., Ciancibello, J., Sarma, A., Milstein, D., Vargas-Irwin, C., Franco, B., Kelemen, J., Blabe, C., Murphy, B., Young, D., Willett, F., Pandarinath, C., Stavisky, S., Kirsch, B. F., Walter, B. F., Bolu Ajiboye, A. F., Cash, S. F., Eskandar, E. F., Miller, J. F., Sweet, J. F., Shenoy, K. F., Henderson, J. F., Jarosiewicz, B. F., Harrison, M. F., Simeral, J. F., & Hochberg, L. F. (2018). Rapid calibration of an intracortical brain�computer interface for people with tetraplegia. Journal of Neural Engineering, 15 (2).
Willett, F., Murphy, B., Memberg, W., Blabe, C., Pandarinath, C., Walter, B., Sweet, J., Miller, J., Henderson, J., Shenoy, K., Hochberg, L., Kirsch, B. F., & Ajiboye, B. B. (2017). Signal-independent noise in intracortical brain-computer interfaces causes movement time properties inconsistent with Fitts' law.. Journal of neural engineering, 14 (2), 026010.
Ajiboye, B. B., Willett, F. B., Young, D. B., Memberg, W. B., Murphy, B. B., Miller, J. B., Walter, B. B., Sweet, J. B., Hoyen, H. B., Keith, M. B., Peckham, H. H., Simeral, J. H., Donoghue, J. H., Hochberg, L. H., & Kirsch, B. F. (2017). Restoration of reaching and grasping movements through brain-controlled muscle stimulation in a person with tetraplegia: a proof-of-concept demonstration.. Lancet (London, England).
Willett, F., Pandarinath, C., Jarosiewicz, B., Murphy, B., Memberg, W., Blabe, C., Saab, J., Walter, B., Sweet, J., Miller, J., Henderson, J., Shenoy, K., Simeral, J., Hochberg, L., Kirsch, B. F., & Ajiboye, B. B. (2017). Feedback control policies employed by people using intracortical brain-computer interfaces.. Journal of neural engineering, 14 (1), 016001.
Jagodnik, K., Thomas, P., Van den Bogert, A., Branicky, M., & Kirsch, B. F. (2017). Training an Actor-Critic Reinforcement Learning Controller for Arm Movement Using Human-Generated Rewards. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering.
Williams, M., & Kirsch, B. F. (2016). Case study: Head orientation and neck electromyography for cursor control in persons with high cervical tetraplegia. The Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development [07487711], 53 (4), 519-530.
Jagodnik, K., Thomas, P., Van den Bogert, A., Branicky, M., & Kirsch, B. F. (2016). Human-Like Rewards to Train a Reinforcement Learning Controller for Planar Arm Movement. IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems [21682291], 46 (5), 723-733.
Schearer, E., Liao, Y., Perreault, E., Tresch, M., Memberg, W., Kirsch, B. F., & Lynch, K. F. (2016). Semiparametric Identification of Human Arm Dynamics for Flexible Control of a Functional Electrical Stimulation Neuroprosthesis. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering [15344320], 24 (12), 1405-1415.
Kirsch, B. F. (2015). Evaluation of head orientation and neck muscle EMG signals as three-dimensional command sources.. Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation, 12 , 25.
Williams, M., & Kirsch, B. F. (2015). Evaluation of head orientation and neck muscle EMG signals as three-dimensional command sources. JOURNAL OF NEUROENGINEERING AND REHABILITATION, 12 , -.
Liao, J., & Kirsch, B. F. (2015). Velocity neurons improve performance more than goal or position neurons do in a simulated closed-loop BCI arm-reaching task. FRONTIERS IN COMPUTATIONAL NEUROSCIENCE, 9 , -.
Nataraj, R., Audu, M. L., Kirsch, B. F., & Triolo, R. F. (2012). Trunk acceleration for neuroprosthetic control of standing: a pilot study. J Appl Biomech, 28 (1), 85-92.
Ajiboye, B. B., Simeral, J. B., Donoghue, J. B., Hochberg, L. B., & Kirsch, B. F. (2012). Prediction of Imagined Single-Joint Movements in a Person with High Level Tetraplegia. IEEE.
Nataraj, R., Audu, M. L., Kirsch, B. F., & Triolo, R. F. (2012). Center of mass acceleration feedback control for standing by functional neuromuscular stimulation: a simulation study. J Rehabil Res Dev, 49 (2), 279-96.
Polasek, K., Hoyen, H., Keith, M., Kirsch, B. F., & Tyler, D. J. (2009). Stimulation stability and selectivity of chronically implanted multicontact nerve cuff electrodes in the human upper extremity. IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering, 17 (5), 428--437.
Kirsch, B. F. (2008). Evaluation of head orientation and neck muscle EMG signals as command inputs to a human-computer interface for individuals with high tetraplegia.. IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering : a publication of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 16 (5), 485-96.