Saudagar Dongare

Working in Burcu Gurkan group. His research interests include environmental electrocatalysis, developing electrode materials and electrolytes for electrochemical CO 2 reduction, and studying the electrode–electrolyte interfaces with in-situ spectroscopy.


Ph. D., Chemical Engineering, Thapar Institute of Engineering and Technology, India, 2021
Masters, Chemical Technology (Petrochemical Technology), Laxminarayan Institute of Technology, India, 2016
Bachelors, Chemical Engineering, University Institute of Chemical Technology, North Maharashtra University, India, 2014

Professional Leadership and Service

Invited speaker at Summer Electrochemistry Lecture Series, CWRU, 2024.
Oct. 4, 2024 - PRESENT, Member (MRSC) Royal Society Chemistry
Judge for Undergraduate intersections, CWRU, 2023 & 2024.
Manuscript Reviewer to Chemical Engineering Journal


Coskun, O., Dongare, S., & Gurkan, B. (2024). Synergistic Effects of the Electric Field Induced by Imidazolium Rotation and Hydrogen Bonding in Electrocatalysis of CO2. Journal Of the American Chemical Society, 146 (34), 23775–23785.
Coskun, O., Dongare, S., & Gurkan, B. (2024). Understanding the Electrode–Electrolyte Interfaces of Ionic Liquids and Deep Eutectic Solvents. Langmuir, 40 (7), 3283–3300.
Coskun, O., Dongare, S., & Gurkan, B. (2023). Tailoring Electrochemical CO2 Reduction on Copper by Reactive Ionic Liquid and Native Hydrogen Bond Donors. Angewandte Chemie.
Dongare, S., & Gurkan, B. (2023). Ionic Liquid-Packed Microfluidic Device with Non-Planar Microelectrode as a Miniaturized Electrochemical Gas Sensor. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 170 (8).
Dongare, S., Coskun, O., Cagli, E., Lee, K., Rao, G., Britt, D., Berben, L., & Gurkan, B. (2023). A bifunctional ionic liquid for capture and electrochemical conversion of CO2 to CO over silver. ACS Catalysis, 13 (12), 7812 - 7821.
Dean, W., Penley, D., Lee, Y., Ghahremani, R., Dongare, S., & Gurkan, B. (2022). Anion effects on the interfacial structure and bulk physical properties in choline-based hydrogen-bonded electrolytes. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 126 (34), 14598 - 14610.
Dongare, S., Coskun, O., & Gurkan, B. (2024). Concept of utilizing ionic liquids for the Co-electroreduction of carbon dioxide and nitrogen-containing compounds. ChemCatChem.
Dongare, S., & Gurkan, B. (2024). Electrochemical CO2 Conversion Commercialization Pathways: A Concise Review on Experimental Frontiers and Technoeconomic Analysis. Environmental Science & Technology Letters, 11 (11), 1161-1174.
Gurkan, B., Dongare, S., & Coskun, O. (2024). Reactive capture and electrochemical conversion of CO 2 with ionic liquids and deep eutectic solvents. Chemical Society Review.
Gurkan, B., Coskun, O., & Dongare, S. (2024). Experimental Considerations When Evaluating Functional Ionic Liquids for Combined Capture and Electrochemical Conversion of CO2. Langmuir, 18 , 9426–9438.