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Peter Lagerlof

Associate Professor Emeritus, Materials Science and Engineering
Develops a unified theory for plastic deformation via slip and deformation twinning
Office: 518 White
Phone Number: (216) 368-6488


Ph.D., Materials Science and Engineering, Case Western Reserve University, 1984
M.S., Engineering Physics (Teknisk Fysik), University of Uppsala, 1979
B.Com., Bachelor of Commerece, University of Uppsala, 1978

Research Interests

Mechanical properties of ceramics and metals. Of particular interest is to understand how low temperature deformation twinning is related to plastic deformation by dislocation slip at elevated temperatures. Deformation twinning models for both basal and rhombohedral twinning in sap-phire, which are properly related to dislocation slip at elevated temperatures, have been estab-lished. The basal twinning model has been confirmed experimentally using TEM techniques. Cur-rent research involves studies on how to generalize this twinning model to other materials systems; i.e., metals, intermetallic compounds and other ceramics.

Teaching Interests

Undergraduate Dduction; Crystallography, Crystal Chemistry, X-ray Diffraction, Defects in Materials

Professional Leadership and Service

Friday, January 1, 2016 - PRESENT, Member The Metals Society (TMS)


Lagerlof, P. (2017). Room-Temperature Plastic Deformation of Strontium Titanate Crystals Grown from Different Chemical Compositions. Crystals 2017, 7, 351; doi:10.3390/cryst7110351, ().