Andrew Rollins
Professor, Biomedical Engineering
Develops biomedical optics technology for applications in biomedical research and health care improvement
Biomedical Engineering,
Case Western Reserve University,
Biomedical Engineering,
Case Western Reserve University,
Electrical Engineering,
Brigham Young University,
Awards and Recognitions
2020, Fellow, SPIE
2020, International Leader Award, Center for International Affairs
2014, International Activities Award, Case School of Engineering, CWRU
2014, Undergraduate Mentoring Award Nominee, CWRU, BMES
2011, Mentoring Fellow, University Center for Innovation in Teaching and Education, Case Western University
2011, Fellow, American Institute for Medical & Biological Engineering, AIMBE
2011, International Activities Award, Case School of Engineering, CWRU
2006, Appointed Warren E. Rupp Assistant Professor of Science and Engineering,
2004, Glennan Fellow, Case Western Reserve University
2003, UCITE Learning Fellow, University for Innovation in Teaching and Education, Case Western Reserve University
2003, Whitaker Foundation Young Investigator Award, "Phase-referenced Doppler Optical Coherence Tomography for Retinal Blood Flow Imaging",
1994, Peace Corps Volunteer, Malawi, Africa,