Summer Spotlight: Maxwell Wickland

Maxwell Wickland

Major: Electrical Engineering and Systems Engineering
Expected Graduation: 2027

  • Where is your research opportunity located or who is it in partnership with?

Professor Fogarty of Case Western Reserve University.

  • Explain the details of your research. 

I am working as an interdisciplinary data analyst to collect pharmaceutical information, pricing, and availability for pertinent drugs.

  • How did you find this opportunity? 

Professor Fogarty reached out to me directly.

  • What has your experience been so far?

It has been wonderful. It is a remote opportunity so I complete the research on my own time. I love the hands-on experience because it’s real-world application of products that I interact with in stores.

  • What are you most looking forward to?

I look forward to my next tasks and seeing what else I can contribute to the team.

  • What's your best advice for students who might be looking for a similar opportunity?

Professor’s are often looking for students to engage with. I recommend reaching out or talking to them directly to see what’s available.